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Welsh Word English Word
ar y blaen in the lead
asgellwr wing (player)
bachwr hooker
bachwyr hookers
blaen asgellwr flanker
blaenwr forward (player)
blaenwr asgell wing forward
bwlch gap
cae rygbi rugby pitch
cael mantais dros gain an advantage
cais cosb penalty try
cais/ceisiau try/tries
cam drafod handling error
camgymeriad error
camgymeriad mistake
Camp Lawn Grand Slam
canolwr cantre (player)
canolwr/canolwyr inside centre
canolwr/canolwyr outside centre/s
capten captain
cefnwr full-back
cell cosb sin-bin
chwarae teg fair play
chwarae'r rheol fantais play the advantage
cic kick (noun)
cic a chwrs up-and-under
cic adlam drop-kick
cic bwt grubber kick
cic cosb penalty kick
cicio kick (verb)
cicio punt
cicwr/cicwyr kicker/kickers
clo lock
cosb/cosbau penalty/penalties
croeso yn ôl welcome back
Cwpan Y Chwe Gwlad Six Nations Cup
cylawni trosedd commit a foul
dynfarnwr referee
egwyl half time
eilyddio substitute
enill y mediant gain possession
enill y mediant win possession
gêm match
gêm gartref home game
gêm gynderfynol semi-final
gôl adlam drop-goal
gôl gosb penalty goal
gwrthwynebydd opponent
haneri half backs
hanner cyntaf first half
hyfforddwr coach
lein/leinau line-out/s
llinell gais try-line
llinell hanner halfway line
llumanwr linesman
mantais advantage
maswr fly-half
maswr stand off
maswr/maswyr outside half/s
meddiant possession
methu cic gosb miss a penalty
mewnwr scrum-half
ochrgamiad side-step
pas/iau pass/es
pêl rygbi rugby ball
perfformiad trawiadol impressive performance
postyn post
prop/iau prop/s
rheng flaen front row
rhwystro obstruct
ryc a scarmes ruck and maul (noun)
ryc/iau ruck/s (noun)
rycio ruck (verb)
rygbi rugby
rygbi tri ar ddeg rugby league
rygbi'r undeb rugby union
seren y gêm man of the match
sgarmes rydd loose maul
sgarmes/oedd maul/s
sgôr score (noun)
sgrym/iau scrum/s
sodli heel (verb)
Stadiwm y Mileniwm Millennium Stadium
sylwebaeth commentary
tacle deg fair tackle
terfynol full time
tîm team
tir territory
tirio'r bêl touchdown
torri infringement
trawst crossbar
trogais converted try
trosedd foul
trosedd proffesiynol professional foul
trosi convert
trosiad conversion
tyrfa gartref home crowd
Undeb Rygb i Cymru Welsh Rugby Union
wedi ei anafu injured
wythwr number 8
y deugain (the) forty minutes
y ffin gwsg dead-ball line
Y Goron Driphlyg Triple Crown
y tri-chwarteri three-quarters, the
yn erbyn against
yn farw out of play
yn lle [enw] on for [name]
yr ystlys gwsg touch in goal
ystlis touch

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